MIST 2024


January 1, 2024 12:00am - August 17, 2024 11:59pm

Join hands, embrace bands, and change lives: together for a better Kenya.

“Our mission is to transform lives by launching a comprehensive campaign to eradicate, Cataract Aid, supplying orphans, and renovating schools, food packets, solar panels, and water wells in Kenya by providing accessibility to all Kenyan citizens, particularly those in underserved communities. Our campaign will prioritize collaboration with local health authorities and stakeholders to ensure a sustainable and significant long-term impact.”

Humanitarian Service Video:

Our MIST team is competing for the Humanitarians of the Year Award. Please donate to our team so we can get this money to Islamic Relief USA and support those in need.

Islamic Hadith by the Prophet Muhammad (): 

Arabic Verse: وعنه قال: قال رسول الله ﷺ : "إذا مات ابن آدم انقطع عمله إلا من ثلاث: صدقة جارية ،أو علم ينتفع به، أو ولد صالح يدعو له" ((رواه مسلم)).

Definition: "When a man dies, his deeds come to an end except for three things: Sadaqah Jariyah (ceaseless charity); a knowledge which is beneficial, or a virtuous descendant who prays for him (for the deceased)."

Narrated by: Abu Hurriah 





of your goal reached









Islamic Relief Solution:

In line with Islamic teachings on the value of every human life, we provide this assistance to whoever needs it most, regardless of gender, religion, or race. We work to transform and save the lives of people in crisis both across the USA and internationally. While our beginnings were in disaster and emergency relief – providing for those who have suffered and lost everything in droughts, earthquakes, floods, or conflict – alongside this immediate assistance, Islamic Relief has always aimed to relieve poverty and suffering in the long-term too. The year after it was founded, Islamic Relief set up its first field office in Khartoum, Sudan, ready to help those affected by the drought not just survive, but rebuild their lives. Since then, we have opened over 100 offices in 40 countries worldwide – from Afghanistan to Bosnia, Pakistan to Palestine, Somalia to Syria, and in the United States. In addition to disaster relief, we carry out sustainable development work to provide winter aid, water, food, shelter, healthcare, and education in the long term. We also work to support orphans and children, help people into employment build livelihoods to support their families and protect vulnerable communities from future disasters, preventing the loss of lives and property. Islamic Relief also advocates for building a more just and equitable society. Inspired by our faith, we campaign against a range of issues including the increasing impact of climate change, gender-based violence, and war and conflict worldwide. Over 34 years, the Islamic Relief global family has grown, by the grace of Allah (SWT), into one of the world’s largest Islamic NGOs, and Islamic Relief USA has been a part of that legacy for more than 25 years. As we look to the future, we are always eager to learn, develop and improve our work, to serve those most in need. We aim to do this all in line with our key values, taken from our Islamic faith: compassion, justice, custodianship, sincerity, and excellence.

Our Mission:

Goals of our campaign: 

For individuals residing in impoverished nations around the globe, the United States of America is often perceived as a land that boasts vast wealth and opportunities. At the same time, it is also viewed as a place that exhibits indifference and cruelty to the plight of others who are struggling. This perception can create a sense of misery and despair amongst humanity which constructs barriers between communication and mutual respect. Kenya Thrives aims to combat this ideology and work tirelessly to change this narrative. We believe that arriving in Kenya as young Americans pronounces a statement of peace. Through our efforts to build bridges between nations, we want to show the world that kindness, compassion, and generosity can still prevail in an increasingly divided world. The work Kenya Thrives implements is a reminder that we all have the power to make a positive difference in the world, no matter how big or small our efforts may be.

Involving the youth: 

Kenya Thrives recognizes that the youth are the future of our world, and as such, we made it our mission to target this group with our efforts to combat negative perceptions of each other and foster international relationships. By engaging with young people, Kenya Thrives recognizes the potential to create lasting change and shape the future of our world. The youth have the energy, drive, and passion to make a difference, and by empowering them with the tools they need to succeed, Kenya Thrives is helping to create a brighter future for all. Through their work with young people, Kenya Thrives is illuminating a new generation of leaders who value kindness, compassion, and understanding, and who are committed to making the world a better place for everyone.



Campaign lead by: Zehra Saymaz, Busra Bayram, Celal Atay, Zulal Bayrak, Adam Awadallah, & Bassel keito 

Our Team:

Recent Activity:

Our Supporters:

  • Anonymous February 2024
  • Reem Eid February 2024 $51.50
  • Anonymous February 2024 $25.75
  • Ali Ahmed This is to support Brother Kasam, his cause, and most importantly Kenya. February 2024 $20.00
  • Savas Saymaz February 2024 $700.00
  • Savas Saymaz February 2024 $700.00
  • Anonymous February 2024 $347.00
  • Savas Saymaz February 2024 $125.00
  • Aroosa Ahmed February 2024 $103.00
  • Raheel Ahmed February 2024 $100.00