MIST 2024

Sadaqah 4 Palestine

January 1, 2024 12:00am - August 17, 2024 11:59pm

Sadaqah 4 Palestine

Our fundraising campaign, "Sadaqah 4 Palestine," aims to provide support for those who are being impacted by the ongoing challenges in Palestine. We also seek to educate those who are not aware of the challenges Palestinians face each day. The funds raised will contribute to improving healthcare in Palestine and empowering Palestinian youth through education.

Our MIST team is competing for the Humanitarians of the Year Award. Please donate to our team so we can get this money to Islamic Relief USA and support those in need.





of your goal reached









Why Palestine Needs Your Help

Palestine is a state that has been occupied since 1967 where countless individuals are struggling daily to rebuild their lives amidst ongoing turmoil. In only 4 months, nearly 60,000 individuals in Palestine have been injured, hundreds of whom are currently in serious condition. Families face immense challenges, from the difficulty of accessing basic necessities, such as clean water and healthcare to the constant fear of violence and displacement. Children grow up in a environment overshadowed by conflict, with limited opportunities for education and a future filled with hope, yet amidst these hardships, the Palestinian people demonstrate remarkable resilience and determination. They cherish their communities, culture, and traditions, striving to create a better future despite overwhelming odds. However, they cannot do it alone. The support of the international community is crucial to provide much-needed aid, resources, and advocacy. By extending a helping hand, we can empower Palestinians to rebuild their lives, persevere their dignity, and work towards a future of peace, prosperity, and justice.

Islamic Relief's Solution

With the help of your generous donations, Islamic Refief USA is working to rebuild the lives of Palestinians who have been impacted by the ongoing challenges occuring in Palestine.The funds raised help Palestinians earn basic necessities such as water and food, improve healthcare in Palestine, and empower the next generation of Palestinians through education. Every dollar counts towards helping the Palestinians through this ongoing genocide. 

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Our Supporters

  • Anonymous Charity for Food/Medicine for the needy people in Palestine March 2024
  • Anonymous February 2024
  • Gauhar Khurshid February 2024 $175.00
  • Anonymous February 2024
  • Anonymous February 2024
  • PRITI RAJIV JOSHI February 2024 $273.00
  • Lehaan Aynur Walia Well done god bless February 2024 $257.50
  • Gauhar Khurshid February 2024 $175.00
  • Shazia Khurshid Great Job Mashaallah February 2024 $154.50
  • Biren Shah February 2024 $150.00