MIST 2024

Sadaqah for Sudan

January 1, 2024 12:00am - August 17, 2024 11:59pm


The Arabic word "sadaqa" refers to charitable donations, selfless deeds, and acts of kindness. It stands for a selfless act of kindness and compassion for those in need, motivated by a true desire to lessen suffering and provide aid and support to our brothers and sisters in Sudan.


We are working with Islamic Relief USA to convey our sentiments, support, and assistance to our beloved brothers and sisters in Sudan. A strong dedication to represent our Ummah's unity and fellowship!





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Sudan in Crisis

On April 15, violence erupted in Sudan as rival factions fought for control of the country’s capital. Civilians are bearing the brunt of the fighting as it spreads across the country. A staggering 7.4 million people have been forcibly displaced, facing high levels of food insecurity and outbreaks of disease including dengue fever, cholera, and measles. A total of 24.7 million men, women, and children are in dire need of humanitarian assistance.

“The fighting is [ongoing] and we can hear bullets and bombing all around us. Buildings are on fire and smoke fills the sky. People are trapped in their homes and scared about what is going to happen in the coming days. Life is paralyzed, everything is closed and food supplies are running out.

Many of the poorest people [already] don’t have [enough] food, they buy whatever little they can afford each day – and now they can’t even do that. Already critical levels of hunger in the country are now set to get even worse. Millions of people will need aid.” – Elsadig Elnour, Islamic Relief Sudan Country Director

Humanitarian aid workers are among those killed and many aid agency offices have been looted, forcing the suspension of vital humanitarian work. While issues related to the delivery of humanitarian aid persist, Islamic Relief has successfully completed the following interventions:

  • Provision of food aid to 116,975 people and essential non-food items to 1,215 people 
  • Provision of water storage kits to 3,880 people
  • Access to healthcare and medicine for 55,261 people and the distribution of 4,235 hygiene kits
  • Cash assistance for 19,292 people 
  • Shelter assistance for 2,395 people
  • Psychosocial support for 2,202 people

Stay tuned to this page for ongoing updates.

Focus on Sudan

Political instability, socioeconomic crisis, and food insecurity affect nearly a quarter of the population in Sudan. At least 3 million children under the age of five suffer from malnutrition. Violence and inter-communal clashes have also contributed to high numbers of internal and cross-border displacements. In some areas, schools have become temporary shelters, disrupting children’s education. At least 14.3 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance. 

Islamic Relief’s Dedication to Sudan

​​Islamic Relief’s first humanitarian response in Sudan was in response to the famine in 1984, where we provided vital food aid to people in need. Since then, our focus has been on long-term development assistance to help pull vulnerable communities out of the cycle of poverty. 

A few of our interventions include:

  • Access to healthcare and education
  • Qurbani+ (Plus), an initiative that seeks to increase the income of families by partnering with them in an Islamic microfinance livelihood program connected to Eid al-Adha
  • Orphan care
  • Humanitarian aid for internally displaced people and returnees, and other vulnerable populations  
  • Emergency aid for flood-affected families including access to clean water and sustainable livelihood support

We Need YOUR Help

Thanks to you, we’ve been able to accomplish so much. But there’s still so much more to do. By continuing to support our efforts in Sudan, you can help make a difference in the lives of those in desperate need.

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Our Supporters

  • Anonymous May Allah(swt) help them! April 2024
  • Anonymous April 2024
  • Zakariyah Uddin April 2024 $10.90
  • Anya Hussain anything to help our ummah!❤️ April 2024 $7.00
  • Uzair Ali I wish i could give more...❤️ April 2024 $6.00
  • Crescent School STATIONS FOR SUDAN April 2024 $1,446.00
  • Anonymous LIMS YOUTH SADAQAH BOXES April 2024 $175.10
  • Anonymous HENNA FOR SUDAN April 2024 $154.50
  • Shafi Uddin March 2024 $154.50
  • Syed HUSSAIN However the admin wants to! March 2024 $103.00