MIST 2024

Unity Humanitariann

January 1, 2024 12:00am - August 17, 2024 11:59pm

Help Masjid Al Furqan Unity Mist Team

Help us donate to our fellow brothers and sisters.

What is Islamic Relief?

Our Purpose

Assalamu alykum, we are a part of team Unity competing in MIST Atlanta in the Humanitarian service competition. We are working to support Islamic Relief USA with financial aid. These funds go towards assisting any countries in need. This Includes countries in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. We aim to help as many as we can by organizing different fundraisers through our community to raise money as well as spread awareness. We feel that education on these issues is just as important as sending our support. Help us to help them! 





of your goal reached









Islamic Relief Dedication

Islamic Relief’s Legacy Across the Middle East

Islamic Relief has been working in the Middle East since 1997. Not only have we been able to provide immediate and long-term aid to those in desperate need, but we’ve also helped bring compassion, comfort, and hope back into the hearts of families across the region. Now, nearly 30 years later, the Islamic Relief global family continues to deliver life-saving aid across eight Middle Eastern countries including Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, Turkey, Tunisia, and Yemen.

A few of our interventions include:

  • Food aid
  • Access to clean and safe water, education, and healthcare
  • Sustainable livelihood support
  • Orphan family support
  • Enhancing resilience for vulnerable populations including internally displaced people, refugees, and host communities
  • Emergency aid for natural disasters
  • Women empowerment
  • Winter aid

Islamic Relief’s Legacy Across Africa

The Islamic Relief family has been providing emergency relief and integrated programming to families in need across Africa since 1984, starting with a call to provide humanitarian aid to Sudan. Since then, we have established a presence in 16 African countries, with field staff on the ground to address needs quickly, efficiently, and effectively.

Some of our areas of focus include:

  • Food aid
  • Access to clean and safe water, education, and healthcare 
  • Sustainable livelihood support
  • Orphan care
  • Enhancing resilience for vulnerable populations including internally displaced people, refugees, and host communities
  • Emergency aid for natural disasters
  • Women empowerment

Islamic Relief’s Legacy Across Asia

Our story in Asia is a story of resilience, growth, and development. The Islamic Relief family has been providing emergency relief and integrated programming to families in need since 1993. Since then, we have established a presence in a total of nine Asian countries, with field staff on the ground to address needs quickly, efficiently, and effectively.

Some of our areas of focus include:

  • Food aid
  • Access to clean and safe water, education, healthcare
  • Orphan family support
  • Sustainable livelihood support
  • Women economic empowerment
  • Humanitarian aid for vulnerable communities including refugees, internally displaced people, and their host communities
  • Emergency aid for natural disasters including floods, drought, cyclones, and earthquakes
  • Winter aid

What does your donation do?

  • $10: Helps to provide needs
  • $25: Helps to provide needs
  • $50: Delivers food to a family that is suffering from hunger. 
  • $100: Provide vital relief to emergency survivors
  • $150 : Supports delivery of hygiene kits and PPE to vulnerable communities
  • $250: Provide relief to help the less fortunate get through the winter and beyond.

Our Team

Recent Activity

Our Supporters

  • bake sale July 2024 $79.00
  • Mohammad Khan July 2024
  • Anonymous July 2024
  • bake sale from donations & bake sale profit alhamdulilah July 2024 $215.00
  • Carina and the bake sale Subagio Bake sale $24 July 2024 $74.00
  • Anonymous April 2024 $980.00
  • bake sale from donations & bake sale profit alhamdulilah July 2024 $215.00
  • Anonymous April 2024 $141.00
  • Anonymous So proud of you Isabella! April 2024 $103.00
  • bake sale July 2024 $79.00