MIST 2024


January 1, 2024 12:00am - August 17, 2024 11:59pm

Pakistan Flood Relief

Help us raise money to relieve the detrimental effects of the 2022 climate disasters in Pakistan, which have affected some of the country's most vulnerable populations.

Islamic Relief USA's Efforts on Climate Recovery in Pakistan

Our Campaign

2022_pakistan_floods_emergency_mirpurkhansindhdistribution_25.jpgPakistan is ranked the 5th country most vulnerable to climate change according to the Climate Risk Index. In the past century, sea levels along the coast of Karachi have risen about 1.1 mm per year and temperatures have increased an annual mean of around 0.63 degrees celsius (Pakistan's First Biennal Update Report, 2022). The increasing warm temperatures have melted glaciers in Pakistan and have formed over 3000 new lakes (United Nations Development Programme, 2017). The increasing temperatures and increasing sea levels collectively have worsened the monsoons and led to devastating floods. The Union of Concerned Scientists found that floods, specifically focusing on the one that happened in the summer of 2022, have affected over 33 million Pakistanis (Center for Disaster Philantrophy, 2023) and 20.6 million Pakistanis are in need of humanitarian aid (Center for Disaster Philantrophy 2023). Till this day, the people of Pakistan are deadling with the cost of these floods. 

Islamic Relief USA has been providing aid to Pakistan since 1992. The organization currenlty works to provide food aid, clean water resources, healthcare, and emergency aid after climate disasters among the many services they provide in Pakistan. 





of your goal reached









We Need Your Help!

Many Pakistanis are still in need of  humanitarian aid! It is time to take action. We have created this campaign to help provide aid through the Islamic Relief USA campaign for Pakistan Flood Relief. This campaign aims to collect donations by spreading awareness to the local community about the ongoing, devastating effects of these floods. 


مَّثَلُ ٱلَّذِينَ يُنفِقُونَ أَمْوَٰلَهُمْ فِى سَبِيلِ ٱللَّهِ كَمَثَلِ حَبَّةٍ أَنۢبَتَتْ سَبْعَ سَنَابِلَ فِى كُلِّ سُنۢبُلَةٍۢ مِّا۟ئَةُ حَبَّةٍۢ ۗ وَٱللَّهُ يُضَـٰعِفُ لِمَن يَشَآءُ ۗ وَٱللَّهُ وَٰسِعٌ عَلِيمٌ" ٢٦١"

"The example of those who spend their wealth in the cause of Allah is that of a grain that sprouts into seven ears, each bearing one hundred grains. And Allah multiplies ˹the reward even more˺ to whoever He wills. For Allah is All-Bountiful, All-Knowing." (Surah Al-Baqarah ayah 261)


We ask for your help in supporting your fellow Muslim brothers and sisters in Pakistan recover from the effects of climate disasters brought upon them by failure of human kind to care for the Earth. Any donation amount is valuable to us. May Allah accept your charity and kind deeds. 

The Efforts of Islamic Relief USA are Only Possible Due to Donors Like You, JazakAllah Khairan!


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Our Supporters

  • Anonymous April 2024
  • Anonymous April 2024
  • Rahiq Razzaq April 2024 $1.00
  • Anonymous April 2024
  • Zainab Naeem April 2024 $51.50
  • Sumaiya Aziz VCP MSA April 2024 $385.00
  • Zainab Naeem April 2024 $51.50
  • Falak Shirazi April 2024 $30.00
  • Anonymous April 2024 $25.00
  • Zaid Swaies April 2024 $10.00