Please Select An Option

  • Auction Only Registration

    Can't make the event, but still want to bid on the silent auction? This registration allows you to participate in our premium auction for the Golf Scramble. Please contact Emily Osnes to receive your item(s) at 651-336-0762 or

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  • Golf + Dinner - Single Ticket

    Includes lunch, golf and dinner.. etc

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  • Presenting Sponsor

    12 golf tickets, includes lunch and dinner:
    -Company name in title of event
    -Verbal recognition during golf tournament
    -Opportunity to present check with photo op
    -Logo with link on event website with specialized
    social media package
    -Full page ad on event program

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  • Jack Nicklaus Sponsorship

    10 golf tickets, includes lunch and dinner:
    -Verbal recognition during evening program
    -Opportunity to present check with photo op
    -Logo with link on event website and specialized
    social media package
    -Half page ad on event program

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  • Arnold Palmer Sponsorship

    8 golf tickets, includes lunch and dinner:
    -Logo with link on event website and 2 social media
    social media shout outs
    -Quarter page ad on event program

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  • Annika Sorenstam Sponsorship

    6 golf tickets, includes lunch and dinner:
    -Logo recognition on event website and one social
    media shout out
    -Logo on event program

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  • Tiger Woods Sponsorship

    4 golf tickets, includes lunch and dinner:
    -Name listed on event website
    -Logo listed on event program

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  • Golf Cart Sponsorship

    2 golf tickets, includes lunch and dinner:
    -Name listed on event program
    -Logo listed on 65 golf carts

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  • Exclusive Hole Sponsor

    1 golf ticket, includes lunch and dinner:
    -Name listed on event program
    -Sponsor the Hole-In-One Contest
    -Opportunity to staff your exclusive hole
    -Logo signage on hole

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  • Hole Sponsor

    1 golf ticket with lunch and dinner included:
    -Name listed on event program
    -Opportunity to staff your exclusive hole
    -Logo signage on golf hole

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Optional Donation
Donation Permissions

Order Summary

  • Your order summary will be displayed here.

  • 1 x Package Name


  • Subtotal






  • Total


$0.00 Total Amount To Be Charged