Make a Lasting Impact

I'm an Aussie currently serving as the Executive Assistant to Hospital Director on the Africa Mercy.. If you’d like to learn a little more about Mercy Ships [Bringing Hope & Healing – 3 min video]

I grew up in rural Queensland, the second eldest of 4 kids. Volunteering has been in my blood since I was around 17 and so has travelling the world. I strongly believe my calling in life is to volunteer and I have to admit Africa has stolen my heart. 

Over the next 12 - 24 months, I'm preparing myself for lots of tears and hopefully lots of joy, love and laughter to balance it out, but mostly I'm grateful for the opportunity to contribute, even in a very small way, to changing people's lives.

Mercy Ships crew are volunteers, who are responsible for all their own living and travel expenses, any support would be amazing.

Donations are tax deductible, and all donations are placed in a "crew bank account" held by Mercy Ships.

By sponsoring me as a Mercy Ships volunteer crew member, today you will become a valued partner — a Crewmate! As a Crewmate, you are helping make a lasting impact on the people of Africa. With your partnership you are bringing even more hope and healing to the forgotten poor. Your generous support will help transform lives through surgical intervention, medical capacity building, and community development. Thank you for making a difference with your gift today!

Anonymous giving ONLY applies to public lists such as the Donations Giving wall. If you give on this crewmember’s personalized page, they will be notified of the gift. If you would like to give with complete anonymity, please contact Donor Services at 903-939-7080 or


Please be advised that only US taxpayers will receive a tax receipt for the gifts made through this site.

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