“Ramadan has come to you: a month of blessing in which Allah (SWT) covers you with blessings, sends down mercy, decreases sins, and answers prayers. In [this month], Allah (SWT) looks at your competition in good deeds, and boasts about you to His angels. So show Allah utmost goodness from your souls.”
– Prophet Muhammad (SAW) as narrated by Tabarani
For millions of Muslims around the world, the blessed month of Ramadan is a time of reflection, reverence, fasting, prayer, patience, and charity. For us at Islamic Relief, Ramadan is THE month that defines who we are and what we are about.
Too many of our sisters and brothers struggle to find food for iftar; parents painfully realize that they will not be able to give their children a festive Ramadan or Eid. And with resource depletion and restrictions due to the coronavirus pandemic, food availability and financial resources are even harder to come by for our already-vulnerable sisters and brothers. Honoring the traditions of the blessed month of Ramadan unfortunately turn into hardships for too many families in need.
That is why your donations this month are so powerful. Not only do you fulfill the charitable obligations Allah (SWT) has set for us, but you also help relieve at least a little of the burden that a struggling family faces.
The Season of Zakat
“Establish prayer and give zakat, and whatever good you put forward for yourselves—you will find it with Allah. Surely Allah sees what you do.”
—The Holy Qur’an, 2:110
More than just a percentage of our income, zakat is a core pillar of our faith. And when you give through Islamic Relief, it has the potential to impact lives in big ways for years and years to come.