My Message to You about Whetstone Boys Ranch

We have a great ministry right here in rural Mountain View. Whetstone Boys Ranch serves local and out-of-state at-risk boys age 12-17. I want to do my part to financially support this ministry.

This is the second year for me to be on a golf "team" at the Whetstone 100.  Our team is named "Old Pirates".  The other team member is Glenn Miller.  We both were Mountain View Pirates back before school consolidation.  

Whetstone is always a good program to support.  But you may not have heard about the tornado that hit the ranch and some neighboring farms on April 3.  Several out-buildings and many trees were lost.  And the residence, although still standing, was uninhabitable.  

Great progress has been made on the building, but there is still much to do.  Roof and windows were the first priority.  Now the interior needs to be put back together.  

The Old Pirates are going to try to play 50 holes of golf on June 20.  I'm asking you to pledge a certain amount per hole.  If you give $0.50 per hole, that would be $25.  At $1 per hole, you would give $50.  See how that works.  You can give any amount.  The Whetstone goal for this fund-raiser is $50,000.  You can give the whole amount, if you like.

I need to hear from you soon.  You can donate on this website.  Or you can mail a check to me (1703 Mann St., Mtn. View, MO 65548).  Whetstone needs your help.  At-risk boys need your help.





of your goal reached









My Supporters

  • Susan Kean June 2015
  • Wanda Robertson June 2015 $50.00
  • Jayne Kane June 2015 $100.00
  • Joyce Hawks June 2015 $50.00
  • Mike Kendrick June 2015 $200.00
  • Andy Ellett Great work you guys are doing! Praying for good weather. June 2015 $250.00
  • Nina Roberts May 2015 $250.00
  • Larry David May 2015 $250.00
  • Mike Kendrick June 2015 $200.00
  • Jayne Kane June 2015 $100.00

My Teammates