My Personal Fundraising Page

Boys to MEN!

Only 11 days left till the WBR golf marathon.  Be a part of a fantastic ministry transforming boys to men.

This brief paragraph will not do justice to how Whetstone Boys Staff are transforming troubled young boys to responsible young men of character and integrity.  The back story is amazing and to see how the Hand of God has been on this ministry is uterly breathtaking.  So be sure to check out their website. 

In April of 2015, Whetstone Boys Ranch was hit by a devistating tornado that wiped out a barn, 3 car garage and did extensive damage to the house.  So much so that the boys had to be relocated.  It is critical to get them up and running again and begin the process of speaking wisdom, character and integrity back into the lives of these young men.  We would love your support financially to get them back on their feet again.  You can do so by sponsoing us in our Marathon golf tournament.  YOu can do so by doing a flat donation or sponsoring so much per hole. Our team will have to play  100 holes of golf from 8 am to 6 pm.  Last time I played, I got in 121 holes, now we just have to split it between the 2 of us, but I guarantee we will get more than 50 holes each in.  So please donated $25, $50, $75 or $100 a hole.  Know you will be impacting many lives with this donation. 





of your goal reached









My Supporters

  • Frank Chalfont June 2015 $100.00
  • Dr. J. Alan Lovejoy June 2015
  • Tim and June McCarson June 2015 $200.00
  • SFU INC June 2015
  • Richard Wolkowitz From Wolkowitz and Meyer June 2015 $200.00
  • G3CFO June 2015 $500.00
  • John Utley June 2015 $250.00
  • Anonymous May 2015 $250.00
  • Tim and June McCarson June 2015 $200.00
  • Richard Wolkowitz From Wolkowitz and Meyer June 2015 $200.00

My Teammates