Please Select An Option

  • Bright Light Sponsor

    0 Available

    Preferred seating for your 10 guests
    • Logo on loop in dining room
    • Thank you from the stage by speaker
    • Logo on step & repeat
    • Logo on social media – 2 posts
    • Logo on invite if sponsorship made before September 15th
    • Logo in thank you email
    • Logo on event website
    • Logo in program

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  • Guiding Light Sponsor

    0 Available

    Priority seating for your 10 guests
    • Logo on loop in dining room
    • Logo on social media – 1 posts
    • Logo on invite if sponsorship made before September 15th
    • Logo in thank you email
    • Logo on event website

    Hide Details
  • Lighting the Way Sponsor

    0 Available

    • Special table seating for your 10 guests
    • Logo on invite if sponsorship made before September 15th
    • Logo in the program

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  • Beautiful Light Sponsor

    2 Available

    Special table seating for your 10 guests

    Name recognition in the program

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  • Single Ticket

    6 Available

    A fun night of cocktails, dinner, program and celebration as we become the light for Cece's hope Center at Night of Lights.

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Order Summary

  • Your order summary will be displayed here.

  • 1 x Package Name


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$0.00 Total Amount To Be Charged