Our Team Fundraising Page

Team Journey

Hi!  I am 36 years old and was diagnosed with Parkinson’s in October 2022.  I have had symptoms since I was 28 but doctors did not know what the cause at the time was.  I have spent all my life in and out of hospitals for surgeries due to a birth defect.  It has been a “Journey” with many ups and downs, with later a diagnosis with Autism.  There have been many challenges with having autism and undergoing many surgeries, but having Parkinson’s has been the hardest!  However, Oklahoma Parkinson’s Alliance staff and support team have started helping me with this new journey.  Providing me with therapies and support that I have never received before.  With Oklahoma Parkinson’s Alliance the money stays here in Oklahoma to give support for those with Parkinson’s and their caregivers.  Just in the short time that we have been seeking help and guidance from them they have truly been a blessing to me and my family!  

My team’s name is “Journey” for one because life is a journey, but also my favorite band is Journey!   This journey is not easy, but I choose to trust in the Lord through it all.  I may be shaking but my faith is unshakeable!

I hope you will support me on this Journey and help others as well with the support and therapies that Oklahoma Parkinson's Alliance provides.  

Thank you 





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Our Supporters

  • Lawanda Stevens May 2024 $100.00
  • Vicki Jones Love you Bud!! April 2024 $103.00
  • Anonymous April 2024
  • Rita Goad Go Cory!! P April 2024 $100.00
  • Fred Vermillion April 2024 $150.00
  • Fred Vermillion April 2024 $150.00
  • Vicki Jones Love you Bud!! April 2024 $103.00
  • CD &Darlene Power April 2024 $103.00
  • Whitney/pat Hollingsworth Aunt Whit & Pat love you so much. April 2024 $103.00
  • Lawanda Stevens May 2024 $100.00