Partnering with Manna:

Gaithersburg Colleagues, 

We are happy to partner with Manna Food Center for this year's Food Bank Campaign.

For the fourth year in a row, OpenText has the opportunity to make an impact on our communities and neighbors by supporting our local food banks during the holiday season.

•The 2023 holiday season brings new challenges on the heels of three difficult years. Due to historic inflation more families than ever are relying on food banks to help close the gaps.

•We will deliver much-needed funds to food banks around the world in advance of the busy holiday season, helping to ensure that doors are open and shelves are stocked for everyone.

•Our goal is to raise $500,000 for food banks around the world. To help, OpenText is offering a 1:1 fundraising match. For every dollar donated, OpenText will match it.

How to donate

No gift is too small. Here’s how to give: 

  • Make a donation here that will be matched
  • Take a screenshot of the receipt and upload it using the Holiday Food Bank Donation Tracker (corporate match form) by completing this form.  This will also enroll you in the 2023 Holiday Food Bank Employee Raffle.

That’s it! By donating and entering tracker information, you will touch many lives and provide healthy meals to those in need. 

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