I'm raising funds to defend the potential of a child by providing them with a mentor. Make a donation to get me closer to my goal and I'll go Over The Edge and rappel down 18-stories this October. If you're brave enough, you can sign up and go Over The Edge with me!!
Big Brothers Big Sisters is not your typical organization. They help children realize their potential and build their futures. This organization nurtures children and strengthens communities. Help me support this amazing organization. We are #BiggerTogether!
Paula Eiland Murphy
Congratulations Lady “KK” Kireston on this wonderful achievement for a great cause! Love & Many Blessingszz!
November 2024$25.00
Kirsten Keys
So grateful for the opportunity to “Go Over the Edge” in support of our youth and Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Capital Region! Thanks to EVERYONE who gave and supported me in this fundraising effort!
November 2024$26.25
November 2024$25.00
T D Rhim Consulting, LLC
November 2024$100.00
Gina Harris
October 2024$21.00
Kirsten Keys
October 2024$250.00
T D Rhim Consulting, LLC
November 2024$100.00
Kirsten Keys
Proud to defend the potential and promise of children!
October 2024$100.00
Jana Parsons
I support your leap of faith and going to the edge. Go BESTIE!!!
October 2024$100.00
Thomas Keys
October 2024$52.50
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