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Help me spread the word and reach my goal of $1000 for the Paramount School of the Arts. I've practically grown up at PSA and I want others to experience it and love it as much as I do.
My personal journey at the Paramount School of the Arts
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Awarded 11/26/2024
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Awarded 11/27/2024
My Supporters
- Sabine Chaurize 2 weeks ago $26.50
- Audrey Eckler 2 weeks ago $25.00
- Anonymous 2 weeks ago
- Tara Quade 2 weeks ago $26.50
- Bridget Nameche The arts have the power to transform, to illuminate, to educate, inspire and motivate! 2 weeks ago $26.50
- Diana Patino I am a proud Abuela that has enjoyed watching my grandson's AJ's love and appreciation of the arts and theatre grow year after year. Thank you Paramount School of the Arts for making learning opportunities like this possible for AJ, and all that continue to make their talents shine. 2 weeks ago $125.00
- The Gajadhar Family Go, AJ! We can’t wait to see one of your shows someday! 2 weeks ago $100.00
- Samantha Rowley 2 weeks ago $53.00
- Maritere Wise 3 weeks ago $53.00
- Melissa & Wade Rowley 3 weeks ago $50.00