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Why Should You Support the School this GivingTuesday?

This GivingTuesday Paramount Theatre is raising support for our Paramount School of the Arts to further our mission of making arts accessible and affordable to members of our community across all ages and socio-economic groups.

The school is home to students of all ages and ability providing them a space to study both privately and in a group setting. Since its opening the school has had an enrollment of close to 2,500 throughout various class offerings.

The school provides an all-encompassing arts education offering classes for all types of creative talents from acting, singing and dancing to prop making. 

On average students take 2 classes per semester and come to the school from our local community of Aurora and surrounding towns. With your help we can make sure the school remains strong and poised to serve our local community. 

Funds raised on GivingTuesday will be used for student scholarships, the School's General Fund, Theatre for Young Audiences, and the Spring Student Showacse!