Pawtoberfest 2024

A Wolf's Pack

A Wolf is Only as Strong as Her Pack

“Fall in love with a dog, and in many ways, you enter a new orbit, a universe that features not just new colors but new rituals, new rules, a new way of experiencing attachment.” – Caroline Knapp

My Roots with HSPPR

When my fiance and I moved out to Colorado Springs, my 1st job here was working as an Animal Care Technician at the HSPPR. I started as a temp but quickly became full-time and loved every minute of my job. I got to help animals in need, care for their environment, see them go up for adoption, and feel the joy of seeing an animal move on to their forever home. After dealing with COVID, however, I was diagnosed with POTS, and that started to make the job much more difficult if not dangerous due to my light-headedness and dizzy spells. When I had to decide to leave the HSPPR it was really decision hard because I loved being able to help the dogs I worked with and see the progress they made as they were there. I had worked a lot with the court-hold dogs, the strays, and the behavioral dogs that needed more care before being able to be adopted, and wanted to find a way to still do something similar. I went on to a job as a dog trainer for 2 years with House of Dog, but when my values no longer aligned with their business model, I decided it was time to move on and create my own business where I could truly acknowledge each dog as the beautiful spirit that they are and give them the time and love that they deserved. I do what I do because I want each and every dog to be successful, to be able to thrive in their forever homes, and to be seen as the individual and authentic personality that they are so they can be the best version of the dog they want to be. Every day I thank and honor the HSPPR for the work they do to care for dogs and give them the resources they need to be able to find their right forever home and for inspiring the work I do with my dogs. 

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  • John Vollmar 23 hours ago $100.00