PFF Walk 2024   ○   Team Ski

Ann O'Brien

Together toward a cure for pulmonary fibrosis

Your donation gets us one step closer to our goal


I am proud to be fundraising for the Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation (PFF) as we walk together toward a cure for pulmonary fibrosis (PF) at the PFF Walk 2024Join me in supporting this vital cause by donating to my fundraising efforts.

My beloved father Frank was diagnosed with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (scarring in the lungs with no known cause) in 2021. He was heartbroken upon the diagnosis, as it has no cure and is progressive – the scar tissue continues to grow, making breathing more and more difficult with time.

But he bore his suffering bravely. He adapted to his new life with oxygen machines and medications, but he had to give up so much of what he loved: gardening; finding deals at thrift shops; couponing and buying extra food to give to his family, friends, and neighbors; and fishing in the surf at the shore.

I’ll be walking for him, to honor what he went through, his bravery and dignity, and the enduring love he gave me from the moment my life began.

I’m hoping to raise funds so that the medical and scientific communities can find a cure for this horrible disease, which currently affects ~3 million people worldwide and all but ensures suffering for the patients and their loved ones. I hope that you can join me in honoring him and his journey, and that we can turn his suffering into something that brings hope to millions of others.

If you’re interested in joining me as a walker, please let me know. Weather permitting, we’ll be walking at one of Dad’s favorite places and grilling afterwards –- walking or not, all are welcome to celebrate him.

Your gift will make a valuable contribution to our vision of a world without PF. For more information on how your gift will make a difference in the lives of PF patients and their families, please visit

I am grateful for your support as we walk together toward a cure.





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  • Anonymous July 2024 $51.37
  • Anonymous April 2024
  • Anonymous July 2024 $51.37

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