PFF Walk 2024   ○   Air

Paul Rivera

Help Us Fight Pulmonary Fibrosis and Bring Hope to Millions

Today, I am reaching out with a heartfelt request to join us in the battle against pulmonary fibrosis (PF), a devastating and life-threatening lung disease that affects millions worldwide.

Pulmonary fibrosis is a condition that causes scarring of the lung tissue, leading to severe breathing difficulties and decreased oxygen levels in the blood. Each breath becomes a challenge, and everyday activities become increasingly difficult. Despite the severity of this illness, awareness and funding for research and treatment are critically lacking.

For me, this fight is personal. I was diagnosed with IPF in January of 2014, and the struggle I endured profoundly impacted me. I received a single lung transplant on Friday, November 13, 2020. I became Montefiore Einstein's 100th transplant patient, and today I come to you as a living testament of the power of organ donation. Donating for research is a way of keeping the fight to take another breath going.

The reality is stark. Over 200,000 people in the United States alone suffer from PF, with thousands of new cases diagnosed each year.

There is no known cure, and the current treatments only help to manage symptoms and slow progression.

Research funding is limited, which hampers the development of new, effective therapies.

But there is hope. With your support, we can make a significant impact by:

  • Advancing Research: Funding cutting-edge research to discover new treatments and, ultimately, a cure.
  • Supporting Patients and Families: Providing resources, education, and support to those affected by PF.
  • Raising Awareness: Increasing public understanding of PF to drive early diagnosis and better care.

We invite you to make a difference today. Your generous donation will directly support these crucial initiatives and bring us closer to a future where no one has to suffer from pulmonary fibrosis. Thank you!





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A New Lung Gave Paul More Life | Paul Rivera’s Story

My Supporters

  • Dale Winter Last month $102.75
  • Elizabeth maldonado Last month $40.00
  • Paul Rivera In Honor of all who suffer from this dreadful disease. Last month $205.50
  • Socorro Caba July 2024 $40.00
  • Paul Rivera Being grateful for the gift of a lung through Transplantation.5 July 2024 $102.75
  • Paul Rivera In Honor of all who suffer from this dreadful disease. Last month $205.50
  • Dale Winter Last month $102.75
  • Paul Rivera Being grateful for the gift of a lung through Transplantation.5 July 2024 $102.75
  • carmen porrata This is to honor Paul Rivera , who I am very proud of his accomplishment. and his journey . June 2024 $102.75
  • Samantha Pollock June 2024 $102.75

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