PFF Walk 2024   ○   Oxy-Moe-Run

Melissa Wheeler

Together toward a cure for pulmonary fibrosis

Your donation gets us one step closer to our goal


In September of 2017 I was diagnosed with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis, a terminal lung disease.  I had been fighting this continuous cough for 3 years prior while training for an Ironman.  Not knowing what was happening to me, I continued to train for my Ironman even though I was getting sicker and slower.  After being pulled off the course at mile 132.5 of Ironman Wisconsin, just 8 miles to finish, I demanded that my pulmonologist fix me.  I biopsy was done and that was when I was diagnosed with IPF.  Stayed active for another 3 years after my diagnosis and it was in June of 2020 that I finally was listed for a Double Lung Transplant, the only thing at the time that could prolong my life.  5 days on the waiting list I got the call and received a double lung transplant on June 30, 2020.  I would not be alive today without the transplant and I would not have known about the possibilities of a lung transplant if it weren't for the support of the Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation.

This is why I am proud to be fundraising for the Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation (PFF) as we walk together toward a cure for pulmonary fibrosis (PF) at the PFF Walk 2024Join me in supporting this vital cause by donating to my fundraising efforts.

The PFF Walk supports the Foundation’s efforts to accelerate research, to advance improved care for those living with the disease, and to provide unequaled support and education resources for patients, caregivers, family members, and healthcare providers.

Your gift will power progress, and I appreciate your generosity in supporting a cause that is important to me!

Your gift will make a valuable contribution to our vision of a world without PF. For more information on how your gift will make a difference in the lives of PF patients and their families, please visit

I am grateful for your support as we walk together toward a cure.





of your goal reached

My Teammates

My Supporters

  • Merrick Stern In honor of my hero Moe! 2 days ago
  • Melissa Wheeler This is my match donations I promised up to $500. In memory of all of my friends who are fighting this disease and for those who have last their battle. 3 days ago $500.00
  • Marilane Dusterhoff In honor of Melisssa Wheeler and Jim Holliday and in memory of James Porter 2 weeks ago
  • Nancy DeBeau In honor or Melissa's incredible spirit! 2 weeks ago
  • Lansing Pugh 2 weeks ago $51.37
  • Melissa Wheeler This is my match donations I promised up to $500. In memory of all of my friends who are fighting this disease and for those who have last their battle. 3 days ago $500.00
  • Melissa Wheeler June 2024 $500.00
  • Anonymous Honor of Melissa “Moe” Wheeler Last month $256.87
  • Melissa Wheeler Kicking all terminal diseases to the curb. 3 weeks ago $250.00
  • Jill Driscoll 4 weeks ago $102.75

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