Together toward a cure for pulmonary fibrosis

Your donation gets us one step closer to our goal


I am proud to be fundraising for the Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation (PFF) as we walk together toward a cure for pulmonary fibrosis (PF) at the Piedmont Pulmonary Fibrosis Walk—Striding for a Cure on Saturday, September 21, 2024. Join me in supporting this vital cause by donating to my fundraising efforts.

This cause is near and dear to my heart as we lost my mom in February of 2024 to this awful, ugly disease. Mom was diagnosed in 2018 and the prognosis was grim. We got her in with an amazing specialist at Piedmont, who also happens to work closley with the PFF and research. Mom was put on new, cutting edge treatments that ultimatley prolonged her life. We will forever be grateful for each extra day we had with her. 

The PFF Walk supports the Foundation’s efforts to accelerate research, to advance improved care for those living with the disease, and to provide unequaled support and education resources for patients, caregivers, family members, and healthcare providers.

Your gift will power progress, and I appreciate your generosity in supporting a cause that is important to me! I set my goal for $1110.00 because mom passed at 1:11 which is an angel number. She was an angel on earth. I would love to meet or even surpass my goal. 

I am grateful for your support as we walk together toward a cure.






of your goal reached

My Supporters

  • Ginny Tunnell 9 hours ago $25.00
  • Ellen Holladay 22 hours ago $51.37
  • Jill Ballew A day ago $50.00
  • Anonymous In memory of Rebecca Day. A day ago
  • Shannon Cornwell In Honor of a Very Special Mom. A day ago $300.00
  • Shannon Cornwell In Honor of a Very Special Mom. A day ago $300.00
  • Ellen Holladay 22 hours ago $51.37
  • Lory Pruitt My donation is in honor of Kathleen Amsterdam’s mother Beckie Peden. 1 week ago $51.37
  • Jill Ballew A day ago $50.00
  • Danielle Cody In honor of Kathleen's Mom 1 week ago $50.00

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