Champions Circle

The PFF Walk Champions Circle recognizes teams and individual participants who have raised $10,000 or more cumulatively for the PFF Walk. Your fundraising fuels progress in our search for a cure, and we are so grateful for your continued support of our mission. Thank you!

A special thank you and congratulations to all of our 2024 inductees:


$1 Million +

Team Hales - Terence Hales, Ryan Grady, and the Hales Family Foundation


$200,000 - $249,999

Team Harris-DePoy-Pratico - Jeff Harris


$150,000 - $199,999

Golden Gate Lungsters - Teresa Lim

Team MollyK - Nita Zalavadia


$100,000 - $149,999

Bay-to-Breathers - Pliant Therapeutics, Jennie Chen, Rowena Cortes, and Diane Ireland

Team Attwell Robbins Family - Colleen and Martin Attwell


$75,000 - $99,999

John Massaua

Oxy-Moe-Run - Melissa Wheeler

Team Stoelting - Mark Cochran


$50,000 - $74,999

Laurie Chandler

Ready. Set. Breathe. - Heather Kagel

Team Bishop - John Bishop

Team Gaiser - Faye and Keith Gaiser

Tom Clark Walkers - Jo Clark


$25,000 - $49,999

Breath-a-Palooza - Deborah Klein

Ivey Family - Dorothy Ivey

Jack's Team - Paula Severson and Chris Jenson

Lou's Crew - John Mezzo and Aimee Tucci

Team Irene - Cara Lowry

Team Kathy Paul - Jennifer Mills and Kevin Paul

Team Stanford - Susan Jacobs

Team Violet Rippy - Tami Rippy


$10,000 - $24,999

Angie's Avengers - Laura Giordano

Jane Casey

Fibrosis Fighters - Samuel Kirton

Fibrosis Fighters (Columbia University Medical Center/NY Presbyterian Hospital) - Denise Melo

Gimme's Gang - Priscilla Anderson

Greater Seattle Pulmonary Fibrosis Support Group - Daniel Evered, Rebecca Hall, and Shannan Moran

IPF Support Squad - Lucinda Gonzalez

Making Every Breath Count - Forrest Reed

Monsters of the Airway - Nina Clarke-Freitag

MT Walkers - Meredith Taylor

Phoenix Pulmonary Fibrosis/ILD Support Group - Robert Weber

Silver Fox Steppers - Lisa Dove

Team Mannchen - Holly Mannchen and Lindsay Cox

Team Prem - Anuj Shah

Team Rosa - Patricia Rosa

University Of Michigan - Ann Arbor Pulmonary Fibrosis Support Group - Lori Flint