PFF Walk 2024

Team Kathy Paul

Together toward a cure for pulmonary fibrosis

Your donation gets our team one step closer to our goal


We are proud to be fundraising for the Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation (PFF) as we walk together toward a cure for pulmonary fibrosis (PF) at the PFF Walk 2024. Join us in supporting this vital cause by donating to our fundraising efforts.

The PFF Walk supports the Foundation’s efforts to accelerate research, to advance improved care for those living with the disease, and to provide unequaled support and education resources for patients, caregivers, family members, and healthcare providers.

Your gift will power progress, and we appreciate your generosity in supporting a cause that is important to us!

For more information on how your gift will make a difference in the lives of PF patients and their families, please visit

We are grateful for your support as we walk together toward a cure.

We walk in memory of our mom, Kathy Paul.

Before she was diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis, our mom, was the kind of person who could light up any room with her laughter. She had a sharp wit and a tongue to match. Our mom liked a good time in Las Vegas (wearing her famous party vest), a relaxing day at the beach, and cheering on Pitt at football games with friends and family. One of my favorite memories of her was a particular night when my large group of friends invited her out for karaoke. She stepped up and sang, laughing with everyone, truly living in the moment. Her love for life was contagious.

Family was her world. She had three sisters and a closely-knit group of cousins. She adored her grandchildren, Hayden, Taylor, and Ashlyn. Every moment spent with them was precious. Her love for family was clear in everything she did. When she got diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis, things changed. The illness brought uncertainty and slowed her down. Sometimes, you could see in her eyes that she missed the days before she got sick. Despite the illness, she still loved to travel and socialize, but it wasn't as easy as before. She had to modify her lifestyle a bit, but she tackled it head-on. Despite her illness, she tried to stay positive and keep doing the things she loved.

The journey was tough, filled with a lot of ups and downs. But through it all, she was still our mom. She had this undeniable strength and a spirit that wouldn't quit. She was real, she was authentic, and she faced everything life threw at her without backing down. That's just who she was. That's the mom we will always remember. In memory of our mom, we try to live our lives with the same zest as she did. We strive to laugh heartily, love deeply, and face challenges head-on, just as she taught us. For those battling pulmonary fibrosis, remember, you are not alone. We're in this together, inspired by the courage of people like our mom, Kathy Paul.





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Our Team

Our Supporters

  • Katherine Fritter Kathy Paul Last month $100.00
  • Joanne Johnson July 2024
  • Anonymous July 2024
  • Ashley Mills July 2024 $350.00
  • Barbara Waugaman In memory of my sister, Kathy Paul July 2024 $1,000.00
  • Barbara Waugaman In memory of my sister, Kathy Paul July 2024 $1,000.00
  • Ashley Mills July 2024 $350.00
  • Katherine Fritter Kathy Paul Last month $100.00

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