PFF Walk 2024

One Breath at a Time for Team Nana

One Breath at a time for Team Nana

Walking as a FAMILY toward a cure for Pulmonary Fibrosis

We're putting on our walking shoes together as a family to fundraise for the Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation (PFF) at the  PFF Walk 2024. Join us in supporting this vital cause by donating to our fundraising efforts.

In June 2007 we lost our Mom/Nana to Pulmonary Fibrosis and life just hasn't been the same without her. We lost the rock to our family from this disease and that is why we are joining the PF walk to help with research, improved care for the ones living with this disease and educating resources for patients, caregivers, and family members.  We had no idea of this disease until our Nana was diagnosed with PF,  we know first hand on what a toll it took on her health, to not be able to breath is an awful feeling and we would like for one day a cure to be found.

If you can please support the cause with a donation today! Your donation will power progress and we would definitely appreciate your big-heartedness in supporting us in reaching our goal on September 7, 2024.  

Your gift will power progress, and we appreciate your generosity in supporting a cause that is important to us!

For more information on how your gift will make a difference in the lives of PF patients and their families, please visit

We are grateful for your support as we walk together toward a cure.





of your goal reached

Our Supporters

  • J J 2 weeks ago $25.00
  • Tisha Castaneda 2 weeks ago $25.00
  • Hank Hernandez RIP Carmen , Gone to Soon but never forgotten. 2 weeks ago $20.00
  • Maya Castaneda I’m donating in honor of my Nana Carmen who I never got to meet because she passed from pulmonary fibrosis, but I hear a lot of nice and funny memories of her. 2 weeks ago $20.00
  • Allison Dobbs 2 weeks ago
  • Nancy Hernandez This donation is in honor of my Mom, Carmen Hernandez, who I lost to PF. 2 weeks ago $100.00
  • Sonya Hernandez My mother in law Carmen Hernandez was an amazing woman she loved all we miss her so much life has never been then same without her. This is for you Carmen. We love and miss you so deeply. Keep sending us signs and continue to watch over all of us. Rest in peace . Love Sonya Last month $51.37
  • Ashley Matta 2 weeks ago $40.00
  • Princess Yslava Our Great-Grandmother was taken early to this disease. I am her 1st great-grandaughter & I pray that they will find a cure my heart goes out to all who have this disease. We will forever honor you Nana "Carmen Hernandez . Together we will find a cure 2 weeks ago $25.69
  • J J 2 weeks ago $25.00

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