Happy 22nd B-Day Shannon!

Dear Friends and Family,

And just like that, Shannon is 22 and the school bus has stopped coming. The past year was filled with far too many medical appointments, sick days, and medication challenges for Shannon! Her health is improving just in time for her new adventures. Her schedule will switch from school days to days filled with fun activities with peers, volunteering at local non-profits, spelling therapy, and a return to the pool and horseback riding.

The Phelan-McDermid Syndrome Foundation has made significant progress this year. Thanks to funds raised by generous donors like you, PMSF has been able to grow its staff, provide additional family support, and support much needed research. Below are a few of the accomplishments from the past year:

Michael continues to serve on the PMSF Board of Directors helping the Foundation continue to provide support for families and researchers. Megan still loves her role as the Patient Engagement Lead at RARE-X, a non-profit working remove barriers to the development of treatments for rare diseases.

We can’t thank you enough for your ongoing support of our family and the PMS Foundation. Every dollar donated is used to forward the mission of the Foundation to find a treatment for the conditions related to PMS and improve the lives of individuals like Shannon and families like ours.

Thank you,
Megan, Michael, Kevin, Sean, and Shannon (and Petunia)

If you prefer, you can send a check payable to: The Phelan-McDermid Syndrome Foundation, in honor of Shannon O’Boyle.

Phelan-McDermid Syndrome Foundation

8 Sorrento Drive

Osprey, FL 34229

Make your donation go twice as far. Many companies match donations made by their employees to our organization. Reach out to your HR department to see if your company will match your donation. Our Tax ID# is: 04-3673104  





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