Team Hariton

Hello Everyone!

As some of you may or may not know our son, Hariton (2 years old), was diagnosed with Phelan McDermid Syndrome (PMS) or 22q13 Deletion Syndrome almost a year ago. It is an extremely rare genetic condition that is caused by a mutation of the SHANK3 gene or a deletion (in Hariton's case) of genetic material that causes many different but related symptoms. Some of these symptoms include hypotonia (low or weak muscle tone), absent to severely delayed speech; most do not acquire functional language, moderate to profound developmental delay and about 75% have been diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder, as well as many other chronic medical conditions.There is currently no cure or treatment specifically for PMS, but we know how to manage many of the symptoms and researchers are working diligently to improve our knowledge of PMS and to find drugs and therapies that can help people affected by PMS. In spite of these medical, developmental, and behavioral conditions, people with PMS tend to be laid back, easily amused and often have a sweet and loving disposition as our little Hariton has for sure. :-)

In honor of Hariton and all those affected by PMS, please consider donating to this amazing cause which goes directly to the Phelan McDermid Foundation. Let's try to help researchers find a cure and the foundation to be able to give families the opportunity to come together and support each other. Please help us to reach our goal! 

From our hearts to yours. Thank you!

Nick, Megan, Kalli and Hariton Parashos





of your goal reached

My Supporters

  • Anonymous October 2019
  • JENNIFER/Rose Marie Fenstermacher All our love and support October 2019 $105.00
  • Elizabeth Kuhns You have the best mommy, daddy and sister in the world and are surrounded by so many friends and family who love you October 2019 $31.50
  • Kristy Minier October 2019 $128.10
  • Ryan Boyer October 2019 $22.00
  • Christopher Valianatos Love you guys October 2019 $315.00
  • Natalia Echevarria October 2019 $23.10
  • Willam Merkert October 2019 $44.00
  • Lydia Feliciano Stay strong and always keep the faith❤️ October 2019 $42.00
  • Adelaide Zimmerman October 2019 $105.00
  • Christopher Valianatos Love you guys October 2019 $315.00
  • Kristy Minier October 2019 $128.10
  • JENNIFER/Rose Marie Fenstermacher All our love and support October 2019 $105.00
  • Adelaide Zimmerman October 2019 $105.00
  • Angela Villalba September 2019 $100.00
  • Carroll Lutz September 2019 $52.50
  • Kaylee Villalba Love you all! September 2019 $52.50
  • Willam Merkert October 2019 $44.00
  • Lydia Feliciano Stay strong and always keep the faith❤️ October 2019 $42.00
  • Elizabeth Kuhns You have the best mommy, daddy and sister in the world and are surrounded by so many friends and family who love you October 2019 $31.50