Your company banner prominently displayed on the Cat Walk Center Stage and opportunity to address the audience.
Your company name/logo prominently featured in 10,000 walk brochures, 100 posters, event listings, press releases, 500 event programs and the Potter League website, enews and Facebook page. Note: For brochure, confirmation of participation must be received by 7/24/19.
Your company logo prominently featured on event t-shirts.
Your company will receive complimentary premier 9x10 tented exhibit space in a preferred location at the event and may distribute a promotional item the event.
You and your pet(s) are invited to lead the Heart & Sole Walk
Social Media mentions on Newport Now and other radio promotions leading up to the event.
Top Dog Sponsor – $2,500
Your company name/logo prominently featured in 10,000 walk brochures, 100 posters, event listings, press releases, 500 event programs and the Potter League website, e-news and Facebook page. Note: For brochure, confirmation of participation must be received by 7/24/19.
Your company logo prominently featured on event t-shirts.
Your company banner prominently displayed throughout the Walk.
Your company will receive complimentary premier 9x10 tented exhibit space in a preferred location at the event and may distribute a promotional item the event.
You and your pet(s) are invited to lead the Heart & Sole Walk