My Personal Fundraising Page

Ed's Purple Plunge

Each one of us have been affected by cancer in one way or another. 

In my immediate family, my father has battled cancer and thank God it is in remission!

As a pastor for over twenty years I have sat and prayed with hundreds of people who have gone through the battle - some to recover, some that are now at their eternal rest and victory!

We may not be able to stop the disease at this point but we can try to help those with this awful disease.  This is why I have decided to join the 4th Annual Purple Plunge.  This great charity is raising money to help those affected by cancer.  Please help me by making a donation, joining my team or coming out to the great event on March 4th, 2017.





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My Supporters

  • Ed Blonski March 2017 $100.00
  • D Behrens March 2017 $35.00
  • Beverly Eastep This is in support of family and friends that are presently going through treatment of this horrible disease. February 2017 $50.00
  • Judith Johnson February 2017
  • Jim and Cathy Sporleder We are proud to support you Pastor B and are grateful for the spiritual and emotional support you provide throughout a cancer patient's journey. February 2017
  • Ed Blonski March 2017 $100.00
  • Beverly Eastep This is in support of family and friends that are presently going through treatment of this horrible disease. February 2017 $50.00
  • D Behrens March 2017 $35.00
  • Helen Burnidge God bless you, Pastor, for taking the "plunge" with Sally! Hope you will feel the blessings warming your heart once the icicles melt! Gene & Helen February 2017 $35.00

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