Katie Lowe's Fundraising Page

Why I Plunge

This is my third year participating in the Polar Plunge and it is my favorite event to show those battling cancer and their families I support them.  This year too many people I know have passed away from cancer and this is one small way that I can try and make a difference. 

Each one of us have been affected by cancer in one way or another.  Whether it is you who has battled or is battling cancer,  or that of a dear family member or close friend or even a charished pet.  We may not be able to stop the disease at this point but we can try to help those with this awful disease.  This is why I have decided to join the 4th Annual Purple Plunge.  This great charity is raising money to help those affected by cancer.  Please help me by making a donation, joining my team or coming out to the great event on March 4th, 2017.





of your goal reached

My Supporters

  • Renee Lowe Thanks Katie for your continued support in this event!! March 2017 $25.00
  • Courtney Watson March 2017
  • Eliazabeth Konczal March 2017
  • Andrew Smith March 2017 $40.00
  • Andrew Smith March 2017 $40.00
  • Renee Lowe Thanks Katie for your continued support in this event!! March 2017 $25.00

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