Name: Romona J. Davis
Occupation: SBA Business Development Officer
Employer: The Huntington National Bank
Name of High School: Lindblom Technical High School, Chicago, IL
Name of College: Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL
Name of College: Clark-Atlanta University, Atlanta, GA
Anything else you would like to share or highlight: I have spent my entire career focused on providing access to capital to business owners and volunteering in the community.
Name of your favorite teacher and what made the person special to you: My favorite teacher is Mr. Arthur Penny. He had a unique teaching style that allowed us to learn and soar. He was very attentive, fun, genuine and respectful to the entire student body. He made my 7th grade experience very memorable.
What were some of your most enjoyable times in school: My most enjoyable times were leadership related, running for student government positions. I served as the President of my entire elementary student body in the 7th and 8th grade!
Looking back over the years, what advice would you give to your high school self or college self: The advice I would give to my high school self is stay focused on my goals, set lofty goals, dream big, have fun, work hard and enjoy high school.
Why are you supporting Project GRAD Akron’s scholarship fund: I’m excited to support Project GRAD in their scholarship fund to demonstrate my dedication to youth. I want to do my part in helping these students who desire to attend college.
Favorite quote: “Make a career of humanity. Commit yourself to the noble struggle of equal rights. You will make a better person of yourself, a greater nation of your country, and a finer world to live in.” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.