Name: Debra D. North Sommerville
Occupation: Retired
Employer: Sommerville Funeral Services
Name of High School: South High School, Youngstown, OH
Name of College: Youngstown State University, Youngstown, OH
Anything else you would like to share or highlight: My family and my children are my greatest and proudest accomplishments. In my career, I dedicated my life to serving and assisting the less fortunate in our community. I was particularly focused on serving children and the elderly, by providing exceptional services at Summit County Children’s Services, Akron Children’s Hospital, and Summit County Adult Protective Services. I am happily retired but continue to be of service working in the family business, Sommerville Funeral Services.
Name of your favorite teacher and what made the person special to you: My 8th grade teacher, Mrs. Black had the biggest impact and impression in my life. She believed in me and encouraged me to always do my best. She believed I was capable of great things and would make a positive impact in the world and leave a lasting legacy.
What were some of your most enjoyable times in school: I have been blessed to have many good memories of my time in school and opportunities to shine and be proud, like winning the spelling bee in both elementary and junior high school; and in high school, my peers voted me as Homecoming Queen.
Looking back over the years, what advice would you give to your high school self or college self: You are your greatest investment, so study longer and study harder to be the best you, that God has blessed you to be.
Why are you supporting Project GRAD Akron’s scholarship fund: Truly children are our future and feeding into them and supporting their education is an honor and a privilege.
Favorite quote: When someone tells you who they are the first time - believe them.