My Personal Fundraising Page
Tell your story here! Your supporters will want to know about you and why you’re fundraising for this cause.
Each one of us have been affected by cancer in one way or another. Whether it is you who has battled or is battling cancer, or that of a dear family member or close friend or even a charished pet. We may not be able to stop the disease at this point but we can try to help those with this awful disease. This is why I have decided to join the 6th Annual Purple Plunge. This great charity is raising money to help those affected by cancer. Please help me by making a donation, joining my team or coming out to the great event on March 2rd, 2019.
My Supporters
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My Badges
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My Teammates
- Josh Dunn $636.85
- Michael Paulus $551.10
- Thomas Cwiertnia $358.70
- Nic Soto $260.55
- Jack Dwyer $220.00
- Michael Andrews $170.00
- Colin Fessenden $123.00
- Kevin Huels $121.50
- Bennett Haidu $120.00
- Michael Pesch $120.00
- Michael Christophersen $106.50
- Logan Griglione $85.00
- Jacob Breeman $70.00
- Pryce Janke $70.00
- Joshua Grinnip $70.00
- Kaleb Katzenberger $70.00
- Kobe Juarez $55.00
- Kyle Schneider $50.00
- Jeff Bartlett Team Captain $45.00
- Joey Shahwan $45.00
- Max Meyer $45.00
- Sam Cosmo $40.00
- Sam Holtz $40.00
- Ben Cooper $40.00
- Trent Gill $40.00
- Gus Sparkowski $40.00
- Michael Mac Cormac $40.00
- Alex Nastruz $40.00
- Matthew Mazzocchi $35.00
- James Schagrin $30.00
- Jack Hartman $25.00
- Jack Maskalunas $20.00
- The vintage Miltz $20.00
- Luke Mathis $20.00
- Nicholas Alvey $20.00
- Don Volante $20.00
- Gavin Clausen $20.00
- James Guidici $20.00
- Jake Robertson $20.00
- Logan Moskal $20.00
- Jack Rigby $20.00
- Charlie DiCanio $20.00
- Zack Davis $20.00
- Cole Swift-Monson $20.00
- Nick Skowron $20.00
- Johnny Clancy $20.00
- Tyler Remez $20.00
- Yajat Narayan $20.00
- Tony Zanichelli $20.00
- Nate Kouri $20.00
- Thomas Vages $20.00
- Sal Ventrone $20.00
- Jack Moses $20.00
- Joe Ventrone $20.00
- James Piggott $20.00
- Jack Lococo $20.00
- Spencer Bacon $20.00
- Dustin Kimball $20.00
- Kyle Forbes $20.00
- Aleks Popovic $20.00
- Luke Mertens Team Captain $20.00
- Daniel Dunlap $20.00
- Andrew Amoroso $20.00
- Reese Christopher $20.00
- Josh Pollard $20.00
- Jaxson Jessogne $20.00
- Connor Burkley $20.00
- Nolan Pemstein $20.00
- Anthony Mangano $20.00
- Zach Gill $20.00
- Ryan Belovicz $20.00
- Ian McCall $20.00
- Revy Gavirineni $20.00