of your goal reached
Event Leaderboard
1 Dehncho Dogs $575.00
2 Bree Zinkel $300.00
3 Anonymous $257.50
4 Karen Powers $120.00
5 Janet and Joe Eppers and Lynch $51.50
6 Patti-Anne Burns $51.50
About The Purple Plunge
Purple Plunge is a thrilling charity event where participants take a plunge into the icy waters of Lake Zurich to raise funds for cancer patients and their families. It’s a fun and meaningful way to make a difference in the lives of those affected by cancer. Join us and be a part of this incredible initiative.
Donate Items or Services for Raffle
If you have items or services that you would be able to donate the the Purple Plunge Raffle, please send an email to info@purpleplunge.org and provide your name and contact information so we can follow up with you.
How We Help
Whether it is a little extra gas money, house cleaning, a date night, or some assistance with utilities, Purple Plunge will work with each cancer survivor to lighten their financial burdens. If you or a loved one have been diagnosed with cancer and are overwhelmed and don’t know where to turn reach out to Purple Plunge. Purple Plunge is in YOUR community and is here to help YOU.
Recent Activity
A donation was made to Purple Plunge 2025
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Karen Powers donated $120.00 to Purple Plunge 2025
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Patti-Anne Burns donated $51.50 to Bree Zinkel
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Janet and Joe Eppers and Lynch donated $51.50 to Purple Plunge 2025
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$257.50 was donated to Purple Plunge 2025
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