Auction Items


Items #100-199 are In-Person Quilts: 100 quilts will be auctioned off in-person at this year's Quilt Auction! These items will be available for bidding only in person, at the Quilt Auction on Saturday, July 27 at 12:00 PM. 

Items #200-399 are Online Auction Quilts: These quilts will be auctioned off online here, available for bidding until Saturday, July 27 at 5:00 PM.

Items #400-599 are Silent Auction Items: Silent Auction includes a wide variety of handmade and donated items like barn quilts, dish towel sets, gift baskets, and more! These items will be available for bidding until Saturday, July 27 at 4:00 PM.

Items #600-699 are Instant Items: these quilts and items are available for purchase instantly!

# Filters Applied


