Our Personal Fundraising Page

During this week in a normal year, we would have been putting the final training miles on our bikes and packing for our annual trip to Iowa to ride RAGBRAI, cycling’s epic ride across Iowa. This has become an annual tradition for us personally, but more importantly, we have used this ride over the past 14 years to raise well over $100,000 for ChildVoice. Many of you have supported us and those who have ridden with us with your donations. Lives in Uganda, South Sudan, and Nigeria have literally been saved and changed because you cared and gave.

But this year has been far from normal. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has touched all of us in some way or another. Everything seems to be upside down. While these disruptions have been challenging for us in the US, the effects in the refugee and internally displaced persons populations as a result of war and conflict in Africa have been much more horrific. Hunger, shortages of basic hygiene products, and a lack of access to proper medical care.  Curfews and travel restrictions are being strictly enforced resulting in higher levels of police brutality.  Because of mandatory lockdowns, ChildVoice students have been forced to return home, and life has been increasingly difficult with no end in sight.  The situation is dire.  

While the impact of COVID-19 has been devastating in both countries and has changed how we are able to work, it has not changed what we do.  Our staff is working overtime to provide every bit of much-needed emotional support that they can, as well as making sure our former and current students have the food, hygiene products, and medical care they require.  Many have lost jobs or businesses requiring them to deplete their savings to avoid hunger.

For the first time since 1973, RAGBRAI was canceled. Disappointed, but not deterred, we decided to ride the 2020 RAGBRAI miles remotely on the roads in the communities in which we live over the course of this next month. So in New England, Wisconsin, Iowa, and other places across the country, our team members are riding for a purpose. With your help, we can raise money that is desperately needed to combat the effects of this pandemic. As a team, we have set a goal of $21,000 and we have personally committed to raising $4,200 towards this effort. Thanks again for your help.





of your goal reached

My Supporters

  • Kristin Wiedenfeld Way to go Conrad and Kathy. Way to accomplish your goal!! Wishing you always the best!!! August 2020 $50.00
  • Francine Conrad Greg & Francine Conrad August 2020 $100.00
  • David Clark August 2020
  • Anonymous August 2020
  • Cathy Hoffman August 2020
  • Francine Conrad Greg & Francine Conrad August 2020 $100.00
  • Elsie & Erv Osterbur Love from mom and dad August 2020 $100.00
  • Nancy Hellmann Happy Birthday Conrad! Have a great ride! July 2020 $100.00
  • Kristin Wiedenfeld Way to go Conrad and Kathy. Way to accomplish your goal!! Wishing you always the best!!! August 2020 $50.00
  • Debby McMullen Winch I’m so glad I talked to your Mom today. During our conversation she mentioned you were doing your own RAGBRIA EVENT which I recalled reading about but hadn’t responded to. I have a bad habit of reading my messages all at one time and don’t remember to foll August 2020 $50.00