Donor Leaderboard

BT First Place

Big Tree Cycling


MB Second Place

Marc Bledsoe


JL Third Place

Joseph Lenz


GC Fourth Place

Gordon Collins


LA Fifth Place

Larry and Marla Allman


Full Rankings

Rank Top Donors Amount Raised
1 Big Tree Cycling $1,236.00
2 Marc Bledsoe $519.25
3 Joseph Lenz $500.00
4 Gordon Collins $250.00
5 Larry and Marla Allman $200.00
6 Marc Bledsoe $150.00
7 Crockett GTL $125.00
8 Crockett Engineering Consultants $125.00
9 Judy Harmon $100.00
10 Jay Smith $100.00
11 Merrilyn Parham $100.00
12 Jay Smith $100.00
13 Marc Bledsoe $100.00
14 Jennifer Richards $100.00
15 Anonymous $100.00
16 Jolene Vollmer $100.00
17 Chris Cook $100.00
18 Michael Dunne $100.00
19 Anonymous $100.00
20 Minnix Electric Inc $100.00
21 Michael Dunne $100.00
22 Vicky Laws $100.00
23 Jerry Taylor $100.00
24 RF5, LLC $90.00
25 Joel Grisamore $75.00
26 Kassandra Bernskoetter $50.00
27 Anonymous $50.00
28 Emily Wilson $50.00
29 Billy Watkins $50.00
30 Rachael Wittenberger $50.00
31 Ashley Turner $50.00
32 Barby Wulff $50.00
33 Mary Johnson $50.00
34 Sue Kelley $50.00
35 Mark Sexton $50.00
36 Greg Turner $50.00
37 The Car Audio Shop $50.00
38 Suzanne McGee $50.00
39 Stephanie Smith $50.00
40 Anonymous $50.00
41 Steven Susaneck $50.00
42 Adam Crutchfield $50.00
43 Rob Parham $50.00
44 Bryan Link $50.00
45 Marc Bledsoe $41.00
46 Marc Bledsoe $40.00
47 Marc Bledsoe $40.00
48 Anonymous $40.00
49 Jay Smith $40.00
50 Katie Crutchfield $30.00
51 Lori Kircher $25.00
52 Heath Reynolds $25.00
53 Jeri M. Cook $25.00
54 Christopher Duke $25.00
55 Sydney Ludwig $25.00
56 Linda Parvin $25.00
57 Rebecca Siltman $25.00
58 Anonymous $25.00
59 Anonymous $25.00
60 Anonymous $25.00
61 Anonymous $25.00
62 Joe Brown $25.00
63 Freda May $25.00
64 Anonymous $25.00
65 Harry A. Cook $25.00
66 Susan Lambert $25.00
67 Virginia Kravchicks $25.00
68 Steven Chen $25.00
69 Judy Fortner $25.00
70 larry allman $25.00
71 Anonymous $20.00
72 Missy Holmes $20.00
73 Shanice Poke $20.00
74 Anonymous $20.00
75 Lindsay DuCharme $10.00
76 Salvadore Bertolone $10.00
77 Amanda Skinner $10.00
78 Lindsay Rice $10.00