Remember Us Still - 2023   ○   Siemsen Angels

Natalie Siemsen

Josephine and Thomas

Finding Star Legacy has been such an amazing gift.  To find a sense of community and belonging in a group no one wants, or deserves to be a part of has made us so proud.

Losing Josephine , 2/23/16 at 28 weeks was the most traumatic and isolating experience I could have imagined.  We had no idea how to process the loss of our baby.  When just 13 months later we lost Thomas at 28weeks, 3/10/17, we stumbled upon Star Legacy and it has impacted our lives in such a positive way.

So please, join us for the walk, and help us spread awareness and love while we support a foundation that is working towards prevention and education.

We hope to see you there, thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Natalie, Ty, Ellie, Josephine, Thomas and Theo Siemsen





of your goal reached









My Supporters

  • Mike Gail Steinken Love and prayers October 2023 $53.00
  • Shaily Desai October 2023 $25.00
  • Rachael Steinken October 2023 $106.00
  • Brittany Spear Natalie, thank you for sharing your story & bringing awareness to this organization! October 2023
  • Anonymous October 2023
  • Danielle Siemsen With all our love for Josephine and Thomas - Grandma Dan and Peter XO September 2023 $424.00
  • James and Nancy Bredberg We love you Thomas John and Josephine August 2023 $250.00
  • Rachael Steinken October 2023 $106.00
  • Natalie Siemsen July 2023 $100.00
  • Mike Gail Steinken Love and prayers October 2023 $53.00