Our Team Fundraising Page

Thank you for making your way to our page. On May 5th, 2017 we lost our baby girl, Charlotte. We were 39 weeks pregnant and it was the most devastating loss to our family. Since then we have become involved with the Star Legacy Foundation. I co-chair the Chicago Chapter and we are so excited to hold our second annual rememberance walk. Last year was a huge success and I know this year will be evenĀ better. Please joins us, donate if you can, andĀ think of us on October 15th, Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day! Stillbirth is a topic that's never talked about and it's an incredbily lonely experience. I walk for Charlotte and for all those women who will tragically come behind me.

xoxo Kasey, Drew, Lucy + Callie





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Our Supporters

  • Heather Shaffer October 2023 $106.00
  • Kathleen Boeve Love you Kiki October 2023
  • Catherine McGreal October 2023 $106.00
  • Jenny Stalker October 2023 $106.00
  • Marie Geanuleas October 2023 $1,060.00
  • Marie Geanuleas October 2023 $1,060.00
  • Kasey Macha $80 for raffle - 20 tickets October 2023 $1,000.00
  • Courtney & KJ McConnell Always remembering your sweet Charlotte October 2023 $1,000.00
  • Andrea Macha Love you forever, Charlotte September 2023 $530.00
  • Meredith Freese September 2023 $500.00