Our Team Fundraising Page

June 8, 2021 is a day we will never forget. We were 40 weeks and 4 days with our precious daughter when we were told she no longer had a heartbeat. On June 9, we met her face to face, and our lives were forever changed. She was perfect and beautiful in every way, and we long for her life here on Earth. However, we firmly believe that we will see, hold, and kiss her again one day in Heaven, and that brings us great joy. Star Legacy has beenĀ an incredible resource for us in our grief journey, and we are honored to be able to partner with this wonderful organization. Please join us on October 15 as we walk in honor of our sweet Levitt.





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Our Supporters

  • Jess & Robbie Cohen & Lehman Carrying Lev and the Witmer family in our thoughts, always! No footprint too small. October 2023 $50.00
  • Anonymous October 2023
  • Emily & Ryan Hambleton October 2023 $53.00
  • Stephanie Reichert October 2023 $53.00
  • Kristen Koeller October 2023 $26.50
  • Greg Witmer September 2023 $159.00
  • David Pilgrim September 2023 $106.00
  • frances valentino we will always remember September 2023 $100.00
  • Becca Gasso August 2023 $100.00
  • Maggie Witmer July 2023 $100.00