Remember Us Still - 2023

Team Charlotte Rose

Our Team Fundraising Page

We walk for our daughter Charlotte who was stillborn on July 15, 2022, the day before her due date. We love her more than words can tell and miss her every day. 

All funds raised will support Star Legacy's mission to increase awareness, support research, promote education, and encourage advocacy and family support regarding stillbirth.

We have been very thankful for all of the resources provided through the Star Legacy Foundation. 

Our Team





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Our Team

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Our Supporters

  • Shannon Wurster October 2023 $106.00
  • Mary Simons Love and miss our Charlotte everyday October 2023 $53.00
  • Kate Whitney Cherish being able to remember Charlie girl and miss her so much October 2023 $53.00
  • Marge Lancor October 2023 $20.00
  • Maggie Metzger Love our Charlie girl so much. Miss her every day. October 2023 $53.00
  • Julie and Tim Van Kirk Sending love for Charlotte and her family October 2023 $250.00
  • Jeanne Simons Can’t wait to honor Charlotte Rose Reidy❤️ July 2023 $250.00
  • Shannon Wurster October 2023 $106.00
  • Mary Simons Love and miss our Charlotte everyday October 2023 $53.00
  • Kate Whitney Cherish being able to remember Charlie girl and miss her so much October 2023 $53.00