Donor Leaderboard

KA First Place

Karl and Marguerite Hansen


SB Second Place

Sue Barsamian and Bill Romans


FF Third Place

Farley Family


SA Fourth Place

Sharon and Tom Kelley


TL Fifth Place

Thoits Law


Full Rankings

Rank Top Donors Amount Raised
1 Karl and Marguerite Hansen $5,000.00
2 Sue Barsamian and Bill Romans $5,000.00
3 Farley Family $5,000.00
4 Sharon and Tom Kelley $3,000.00
5 Thoits Law $3,000.00
6 Heritage Bank of Commerce $3,000.00
7 Silent Auction Proceeds $2,600.00
8 Community Foundation of Santa Cruz County $2,500.00
9 Windy Hill Property Ventures LLC $1,545.00
10 Abbott, Stringham, and Lynch $1,500.00
11 Premier Properties $1,500.00
12 Mutual of America $1,500.00
13 HUB International $1,500.00
14 WL Butler $1,500.00
15 PP&Co $1,500.00
16 Karen Griggi $1,030.00
17 Kevin Dare $1,000.00
18 Toni “Nonna” Bruno $1,000.00
19 Joseph Giraudo $1,000.00
20 Helen Leong $1,000.00
21 Leo Merken $1,000.00
22 Victor Chinn $1,000.00
23 Manuel Henriquez $1,000.00
24 Apple Inc. Matching Donation $800.00
25 Bolton & Company $750.00
26 Ginny and Todd Marans $750.00
27 Christine and Rob Hutchinson $750.00
28 Steve Heitel $515.00
29 Richard Tincher $515.00
30 Patrick J. Ruane Inc. $515.00
31 Anonymous $515.00
32 Terracommercial, Inc $515.00
33 Anderson Pacific Engineering Construction, Inc. $515.00
34 Terry Conner $500.75
35 Bobby and Charlotte Bramlett $500.00
36 Rob Hutchinson $500.00
37 Standard Sheet Metal $500.00
38 Rita Bryson $500.00
39 Consolidated Adjusting, Inc $500.00
40 Michael Jones, PH.D. $500.00
41 Stephen Crook and Nandini Dutta $500.00
42 Marion and Peter Danna $500.00
43 Carol and Michael Pliner $500.00
44 S. Osborn Erickson $500.00
45 Raymond and Joanne Lin $500.00
46 Anonymous $257.50
47 Eric Alburger $257.50
48 Tucker and Amy Beim $257.50
49 Matthew Downing $257.50
50 Trudie Daggett $257.50
51 Kenneth Kasik $257.50
52 Los Altos Hardware Inc $250.00
53 Anne Wilbur $250.00
54 Marni and John Balletto $250.00
55 Patrick Burg $250.00
56 Barbara Shapiro $250.00
57 Kim and Brad Bishop $250.00
58 Bruce Gee $250.00
59 Judy Reed $250.00
60 Sakti Das $250.00
61 Christian Hansen $250.00
62 Tod Spieker $250.00
63 Ryan Eisenberg $207.50
64 Leo Merken $206.75
65 Stephen Sullivan $206.00
66 Apple Inc. Matching Donation $200.00
67 Cynthia Tevis $200.00
68 Bill G $200.00
69 Patricia and Amir Mohammadian $200.00
70 Apple Inc. matching donation $200.00
71 Karin Klarreich $185.40
72 Jesse Ebner $164.80
73 Louis and Carol Ebner $164.80
74 Jonas and Christine Stafford $150.00
75 Sherr $150.00
76 Leonard Edwards $150.00
77 Karl Kadie and Carol Korzow $150.00
78 Jacob Oliver $113.30
80 Egle Narevic $105.25
81 Melisa Randall $104.00
82 John Kinniburgh $103.00
83 Janie Farn $103.00
84 Rob Anderson $103.00
85 Elva Zhu $103.00
86 Paula and George Chaltas $103.00
87 Patricia Gardner $103.00
88 Thomas Werbe $103.00
89 Stephen Crook $103.00
90 Kathie Klarreich $103.00
91 Shelley Taylor $103.00
92 Joanna Beyer $103.00
93 michael gennette $103.00
94 Elaine Ebner $103.00
95 Ron Zraick $103.00
96 Mike and Tara O'Boy $103.00
97 Christopher Vargas $103.00
98 Laura Reininger $103.00
99 Julia Ha $103.00
100 Jennifer Vessels $100.00
101 Linda Lyon $100.00
102 Christine Wu $100.00
103 Gwyn and Jeff Wachtel $100.00
104 AchieveKids $100.00
105 Scott Watters $100.00
106 Donna Blas $100.00
107 Jean Spurr $100.00
108 M Bruce Nakao $100.00
109 Sylvia Katzman $100.00
110 Anonymous $100.00
111 Dianna and Jeff Pieper $100.00
112 Nancy and Les Burger $100.00
113 Tulika Garg $100.00
114 Sushma Roy $100.00
115 Allanah Cleary Beh $100.00
116 Denise Cote $100.00
117 Jack Schneider $100.00
118 Charles and Ilona Lindauer $100.00
119 Anonymous $100.00
120 Steve Reed $100.00
121 Marjan Aslani $100.00
122 Anna Silva $79.31
123 Ron Bland $77.25
124 Sarah Cohen $53.00
125 Betsy Kohn $51.50
126 Andrea Berberich $51.50
127 Anonymous $51.50
128 Kateline Hullar $51.50
129 Neelika Choudhury $51.50
130 Sunbeam Foundation $51.50
131 Jonas Stafford $51.50
132 Lisa Caputo $51.50
133 Susie and Rick Block $51.50
134 TB Organization Development Consulting $51.50
135 Kathy Kriese $50.00
136 Val and Jeanette Svans $50.00
137 DeeAnn Bruno $50.00
138 Russell and Marie Genna $50.00
139 jason parsons $50.00
140 Julie Yee $50.00
141 Anonymous $50.00
142 Anonymous $50.00
143 Gopi Rangan $50.00
144 Sarah Drinkwater $40.00
145 Fatemeh Ghasemi $35.00
146 Bailey Reed $25.75
147 Beth Hawley $25.75
148 Sara Clark $25.75
149 Patricia Storey $25.75
150 Loren Spina $25.75
151 Melinda Reef $25.75
152 Arin Miller $25.75
153 Jon Goldman $25.00
154 Anonymous $25.00
155 Gina Bruno $25.00