Mike Marion's Fundraising Page

Why I ride?

My father, the late Michael B. Marion, was an avid sportsman and outdoorsman.  He also did Ride the Rockies but old-school style.  He rode 10-18 speed bikes with toe clips and 10 more pounds of weight than I carry.   Unfortunately I never had the chance to bike with him on Ride the Rockies but I feel his spirit.   His love for physical fitness and the Rocky mountains inspired me to do my first  RTR in 2002.  Although I have been so very lucky to have never been homeless, I think of the plight of the less fortunate.  I think about them when I train and suffer going up hills, I think about them when my hands are cold, I think about them when a biking buddy, Pat Drummond showed us his granola bar stash he has for people looking for handouts, I thought about them this past weekend when we toured Samaritan House.  I feel privileged to contribute.

Thank you for considering a donation.

Mike  -  4/20/2015

Visit the websites below for information regarding The Samaritan House and Ride The Rockies.









of your goal reached

My Supporters

  • Greg & Sherry Hegarty June 2015 $100.00
  • Emily Monroe Have a wonderful ride, Mike! Thank you for the opportunity to donate to such a great cause. June 2015 $100.00
  • Mary Holm Have a great ride Mike! June 2015 $100.00
  • Marna Deines So cool that you're doing this! I started riding this summer - I have a huge amount of respect for you doing this ride! June 2015 $50.00
  • Scott Morrison June 2015 $100.00
  • Garry Lambert May 2015 $1,000.00
  • Peter & Roseann Cronan Good luck and safe travels! June 2015 $500.00
  • Colleen Marion Good luck Michael. Keep up the good! Love, Mom May 2015 $250.00
  • Robert Crow May 2015 $250.00
  • Pat Amendola May 2015 $250.00