Zoe aka Magneta

Why I Love Roller Derby

Hi! I’m Magneta! I skate with the Seattle Derby Brats, a non-profit organization that is 100% all volunteer run. For my family, that means both my mom and dad help officiate at every scrimmage and bout I have and then some. They also chaperone at events such as our Halloween party and All Night Skate. Plus they never refuse to take me skating. Sometimes, I skate 10 to 15 hours a week. That’s a lot of skating! That’s how much I love skating! I feel like I can do anything on my wheels.    

I was skating about 10 months before I made the league. Through this experience, I have learned that girls can be strong and athletic, not just ball fetchers as the boys told me when I played soccer. We are athletes! We are strong!  We are girls!

Seattle Derby Brats provides junior roller derby for girls ages 8 to 18. They promote a safe environment where we can feel good about ourselves and build our confidence. And most importantly, we have fun! The donation you make today helps with things like track time for practices and bouts, fun events like the Halloween party and All Night Skate, pays for team jerseys, on-site medics for our bouts, and any extra money we raise will help fund our relocation due to our building being torn down soon. By the way, our season runs from September to May and we skate every week during the school year. That’s a lot of skating. No, that’s a lot of FUN!

My goal is to skate 175 laps during my 45 minute Skate-A-Thon slot. Update: I made my goal and then smashed it! I was able to skate 195 laps. That's equivalent to about 7.2 miles! 

Please make a pledge for Skate-A-Thon today. I really appreciate your donation! 

Thank You!

PS - Watch my transformation video!

My Badges

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My Supporters

  • Ron Watson As promised, $1 per lap. Great job! We love you so much! Mom and Dad March 2019 $195.00
  • Anonymous From Uncle Jerry, Aunt Kim and Cousin Andrew March 2019
  • John Watson March 2019 $48.75
  • Renee Sage Keep on skating! March 2019 $100.00
  • Mamaw and Pawpaw March 2019 $20.00
  • Ron Watson As promised, $1 per lap. Great job! We love you so much! Mom and Dad March 2019 $195.00
  • Renee Sage Keep on skating! March 2019 $100.00
  • Rob Wood Rock (Roll?) On, Zoe!! February 2019 $100.00
  • Felicia Watson February 2019 $100.00
  • Matt Leverenz February 2019 $50.00