Bantam Phantom

What Roller Derby Means to Me

Roller Derby has changed my life. When I am on the track with my team mates, I know that I am wanted and loved, and that my team mates love me as much as I love them. When I first started derby, I was shy and insecure. Now, I feel comfortable in my own skin, and brave enough to try the things that scare me. The friends that I have made playing derby have stuck with me through thick and thin, and I know that when I an feeling down, they will help get me back on feet. The Seattle Derby Brats fosters such an empowering and supportive enviornment for girls of all ages, and a donation to this cause would mean the world to me.

The donation you make today helps pay for things such as the space that we practice in, the jerseys we wear, and the medics who help keep us safe while we're on the track. The Seattle Derby Brats is a non-profit orginization, and all coaches and refs are volunteers. Skaters love their coaches and the game that they play, so a donation of any amount helps SDB to keep on giving back to the Roller Derby superstars of tommorow.

Please make a pledge for Skate-A-Thon today. The Seattle Derby Brats and  I really appreciate your donation!

Thank You!


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My Supporters

  • Amy Bradburd I love you! March 2019 $200.00
  • Jacqueline Parker March 2019 $50.00
  • Julie & Brad bradburd March 2019 $200.00
  • Margo Robb Bantam Phantom is an awesome person who we support 100%. And Roller Derby is great, too. February 2019
  • Anne Grgich February 2019
  • Amy Bradburd I love you! March 2019 $200.00
  • Julie & Brad bradburd March 2019 $200.00
  • HAk ming Foong February 2019 $100.00
  • Jacqueline Parker March 2019 $50.00
  • Kim Woolery February 2019 $25.00