Eva Knievel's Fundraising Page

Why I Love Roller Derby

Unfortunately I'm not able to skate laps this year (I'm getting my wisdom teeth out 2 days before the skate-a-thon!), but I'm still committed to supporting my team and league through this fundraiser and appreciate your support!!

Roller Derby is fun and empowering. When I am on the track I feel strong and confident. Roller Derby has changed the way I feel about myself and has taught me so many things about sportsmanship, competition and how to win and lose with grace. I know that the friends I have made through derby will be friends for life.

The donation you make today helps with things like track time for practices and bouts. It also pays for team jersys and on site medics. We are also losing our lease in May and need to find a new facility.

Thank you for your support! I really appreciate your donation!

Thank You!



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My Supporters

  • Sydney C de Baca For Eva's great grandmother Eva, who is undoubtedly enjoying Eva Knievel's skating! March 2019 $20.00
  • Anonymous Happy belated birthday Michael! Go Eva Knievel! -Cynthia March 2019 $25.00
  • Michael Wells In memory of your uncle Josh :-) March 2019 $20.00
  • Anita Shelton March 2019 $10.00
  • Richard Juntunen Way to go Eva! March 2019
  • Sue & Jim Palmer We send our Cheers to you and your team, Eva! March 2019 $250.00
  • Sydell Connor March 2019 $100.00
  • Eva Knievel Go Eva! We are so proud of you. ~mom and dad March 2019 $50.00
  • Anonymous Happy belated birthday Michael! Go Eva Knievel! -Cynthia March 2019 $25.00
  • Sydney C de Baca For Eva's great grandmother Eva, who is undoubtedly enjoying Eva Knievel's skating! March 2019 $20.00