Every bidder has to REGISTER to bid, CLAIM their code, and then CHECK IN - find out how!
How do I register?
Click here to register for the Shave & Buzz 2022 Auction. You'll receive a registration confirmation email with a unique Ticket Code and instructions for how to check in and get ready to bid on the virtual auction.
The email "sender" is I'm Not Done Yet and the subject line is: “Your Your Shave and Buzz 2022 Auction Ticket: Bidder Registration"
How do I claim my Ticket Code and check in (required in order to start bidding)?
After you register, it's time to claim your Ticket Code and check in so that you can start bidding!
You'll see the following screen. Type in your unique Ticket Code, hit submit, and you'll be taken to your unique Bidder Dashboard.
Step 2: Confirm your information
Step 3: Add a Payment Method
Step 4: You’re all set and ready to start bidding!
Step 5: You will now be logged in to your bidder account. You can verify you’re logged in by looking for your name and bidder number in the upper righthand corner of the event page.
Step 6: Click your name or bidder number to be taken to your Bidder Dashboard where you will see your auction activity. This is also where you can view and edit your ticket details, add a new payment method, or log out of the auction.
Option 2 - Check in using the Givi App
Step 1: Download the Givi App
Step 2: To be taken directly to Shave & Buzz 2022 Auction in the app, enter the Ticket Code you received in your registration email confirmation (see above). When you click “Go,” you’ll be logged directly into the auction.
Step 3: Confirm your ticket details. (You may edit if necessary.)
Step 4: Enter a Password
Step 5: Enter your Payment Method
Step 6: Allow push notifications so you can receive outbid alerts
Step 7: You’re In! You can now browse items and swipe to bid.
Choose Your Ticket
Please choose a ticket/bidder number to use during the event. You may switch tickets at anytime.
Bidder Number - #
Choose Your Payment Method
Choose one of your saved payment methods or add a new payment to use during the event.
Add a Payment Method
You will need to enter a payment method to bid, purchase, or donate to the auction.
You're all set!
You can now start bidding on items. Thanks so much for your support!
You don't have a ticket,
Register now to participate in this event or continue previewing items.