What is the Never Alone Cancer Foundation (NACF)?

Our Mission - To improve the lives of people affected by cancer.

Our Vision To provide emotional, financial & informational support to patients, families & caregivers affected by cancer.

About us

Never Alone Cancer Foundation (NACF) supports patients, families, and caregivers living with cancer in Manitoba. With over 560+ clients supported in 2023, NACF is committed to improving lives through emotional, informational, and financial support programs. Cancer support can be a phone call, a hospital visit, or a grant to pay for uncovered medication. All different but all very important. We focus on how we can make a difference today and improve the situation that our clients are facing right now.

NACF is proud to have a strong community of donors, sponsors, volunteers, and supporters across Manitoba who allow us to do impactful work all year round.

“As one person I cannot change the world, but I can change the world of one person” - Paul Shane Spear

NACF Support Programs

Financial Support

NACF can assist with financial hardships by providing grants for

  • Non-covered medical expenses, groceries, transportation, etc
  • Dental support program to cover the costs of extractions & dentures
  • Lymphedema treatment & garments
  • Palliative support

Informational Support

NACF can help clients find and access helpful, relevant programs and services for

  • Government programs & subsidies that support Manitobans affected by cancer
  • Medical services
  • Affordable accommodations
  • Mental health & anxiety support
  • Cancer & treatment educational info

Emotional Support

NACF can assist clients with the mental and emotional aspects of their cancer journey through

  • Patient & hospital visits
  • Phone calls and messages
  • Day away program
  • A gift of support


Grant Testimonial #1

“Thank you for the swift approval of a generous grant to help offset some of my medical expenses and travel/related costs.  It is so greatly appreciated. Such an unexpected act of generosity humbles me and renews my faith that there are wonderful people and organizations who are reaching out to others in their time of need. It is with a grateful heart that I, a stranger, am expressing the profound honor I feel having such an incredible kindness shown to me. 

You cannot imagine how helpful this is for me.”

Grant Testimonial #2

Her late stage 3 diagnosis was only one of many challenges our client faced before connecting with us. Transportation to treatments, proper medical equipment, and non-covered medication were roadblocks that prevented her from focusing on getting better.

Thanks to our NACF community we were able to provide her with a grant so that she did not have to worry IF she could monitor her temperature as per doctors' orders or make important appointments. The tight squeeze in her hug showed us just how much our efforts meant to her.

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Day Away Testimonial - The Day Away Program provides individuals, families and caregivers affected by cancer the opportunity to experience a break from everyday life by attending a memorable event. When cancer becomes your life, sometimes it’s about finding the small joys that can truly make a difference.

“Seeing my dad so purely happy tonight was a huge blessing. Everything has felt heavy since finding out chemo isn’t doing what it should be. Tonight, I got a glimpse of my dad pre-cancer. Just so happy and no worries. Thank you NACF for making this happen.“

Chemo Support Testimonial

Today we sat with a client through her chemo appointment, brought her newspapers and made sure she got home safely after a long day. We are committed to improving the lives of Manitobans living with cancer and reminding them they are never alone.

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For more information visit our website at www.NACF.ca