My Personal Fundraising Page

Why I Love Roller Derby

Hi my name is Solar Flaire and this is my second year with Seattle derby brats. This year I am on Stunflowers, which is a Division 1 team.

Derby has meant so much to me over the past few years. I’ve made new friends who encourage me to keep trying when I am struggling with a new skill. When you're on the track, “Advice” sometimes sounds intense or loud… but because of the trust I have built with my teammates, I know to listen because we all have the same goal in mind. When I’m jamming, I trust that my teammates have my back and are there to help me if I need it.

Derby is also a very gender-inclusive sport. For example, there might be “Girls” and “boys” basketball, but where does that leave the kids who aren't either? SDB is a place for almost anyone to skate, whether they’re a girl, non-binary, trans, or gender expansive. It makes me feel safe to be with other kids who are never gonna question or make fun of my gender identity. The coaches and volunteers are also very respectful, and some of them are gender expansive as well. It makes me feel seen to be a part of the derby brats.

The way we raise money for this sport I care so much about is by Skate-a-thon.  Skate-a-thon is a day where all skaters make as many laps around the track as they can in 45 minutes. Our friends and family sponsor skaters per lap, or just a flat amount. I skated 183 laps last year, and plan to skate well over two hundred this year.

This year our goal is $60,000.  One of our biggest expenses this year is our new Derby facility "The Warehouse." We no longer have to practice outside, in parking lots and garages, or on basketball courts.  But the Warehouse does need additional work, and we still need to be able to pay for things like jerseys, medics (our skaters do get hurt sometimes) and events.  Now we have a home where friends can come watch us play and we can get more people interested in derby.

If every skater raised $350 we would meet our goal. However, I know not every family can do that, so I am hoping to raise $500 so it can cover any friends who don't get to $350.

This sport means so much to me and my family. My mom and my brother learned to skate this year so they can play (and ref) derby with us.  Thank you for supporting this amazing sport!! 

       -Solar Flaire 

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My Supporters

  • Microsoft Way to go SC! April 2023 $50.00
  • Josh Belcourt Way to go SC! April 2023 $50.00
  • Meghan Warren April 2023 $26.25
  • Kathleen Morris Bravo! April 2023 $50.00
  • Ashley Herden I’m so glad you have found a place that makes you and others feel accepted and included! You don’t know me, but your mom and I go WAY back! I’ve known your dad a while too. Have a great season! April 2023
  • Microsoft Way to go SC! April 2023 $50.00
  • Josh Belcourt Way to go SC! April 2023 $50.00
  • Kathleen Morris Bravo! April 2023 $50.00
  • William Anderson April 2023 $50.00
  • Greyson Lamb March 2023 $50.00