My Personal Fundraising Page

Why I Love Roller Derby

Everyone who knows me knows how much I love Roller Derby. I have skated at the Rat's Nest, parking lots, parking garages, community centers, and now finally we have a BUILDING! It is so nice to be able to skate indoors in our own space. I feel like I can hang out with my friends after practice and meet new friends. 

The space isn't perfect and until recently didn't even have running water but group of dedicated volunteers are helping turn it from a warehouse into a derby center. The renovation project is 100% funded through generous donations from our families and friends. Help us build this house. Every donation counts, no matter how small, you can even check to remain anonymous if you'd like to quietly make a donation. 

I appreciate your support more than you'll ever know. I am strong, healthy, and confident because of this great organization. I give back through coaching other skaters 11 hours a month. I practice an additional 8 hours every week and then sometimes skate just for fun. To say I love derby is an understatement - it is part of me and I can't imagine not skating. I have five more years to grow in this sport before I age out of the juniors program. I hope you'll consider supporting me and my journey in Seattle Derby Brats.  

Thank you!

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My Supporters

  • Doris Hobson I'm so proud of you, my beautiful granddaughter! April 2023 $210.00
  • Karin Roberts April 2023 $52.50
  • Sue Suwiwattanakul April 2023 $52.50
  • Neil Mann Let me know the schedule. Polly & I would like to come watch again March 2023 $50.00
  • Karalee Woody March 2023 $100.00
  • Enlight Advisors LLC March 2023 $500.00
  • Doris Hobson I'm so proud of you, my beautiful granddaughter! April 2023 $210.00
  • IronHorse Outfitters You Rock, Magenta! ~ Rhonda & Terry Carter March 2023 $105.00
  • Karalee Woody March 2023 $100.00
  • Karin Roberts April 2023 $52.50