My Personal Fundraising Page

Why I Love Roller Derby

Roller derby is fun!  I feel happy when I am on the track. My favorite things are jamming (scoring points) and being on the outside of the wall (preventing the other team's jammer from scoring points). With each practice I'm becoming a better skater.

With each practice I'm becoming a better skater.

I also get to practice with my best friend, even though she is on a different team. This is my first year doing derby and I think there will be many more.

The donation you make today helps with things like track time for practices and bouts, fun events we get to go to like the Halloween party and all night skate. It also pays for team jersys and on site medics for our bouts.

Please make a pledge for Skate-A-Thon today. I really appreciate your donation!

Thank You!


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My Supporters

  • Gwen Shlichta Go Hell Go! You are an awesome teammate & friend to Ziggy! xo March 2023 $26.25
  • Inner Wisdom Natural Medicine Go Marlena! Roller Derby Rocks!!! March 2023 $15.75
  • Sarah Forshee We like the way you roll, Marlena! March 2023 $52.50
  • Christina Vlahopoulos Way 2 Go M! Happy to help :) March 2023
  • Isabelle Kappers Allez Marlena! March 2023
  • Sarah Forshee We like the way you roll, Marlena! March 2023 $52.50
  • Darlene Sovran We rock. We roll. 8 wheels All soul. ;) ~i~ March 2023 $36.75
  • Gwen Shlichta Go Hell Go! You are an awesome teammate & friend to Ziggy! xo March 2023 $26.25
  • Inner Wisdom Natural Medicine Go Marlena! Roller Derby Rocks!!! March 2023 $15.75